A Birthday Cake Is Much More Than Just a Cake

A Birthday Cake Is Much More Than Just a Cake

Think about a party that celebrates the specific day of your child. Was it ever without a cake? The cake is nearly as emblematic as cutting the red ribbon and embarking upon a new journey. It's that red ribbon which marks the los angeles birthday cakes launch of a new year filled with new adventures and new learning. Throughout history, cakes have been provided lots of significance. So, how did the whole concept originate? It's time to have a peek in the history of this cake.

It is believed that the early Greeks are responsible for beginning the tradition. In Greece honey cakes and bread were especially baked on such special days. In Rome on the other hand, cakes were earmarked for the 50th birthday of an individual. On this particular day, a distinctive one was baked using honey, olive oil, cheese and wheat flour. In Rome, such parties were not restricted to people. All such parties deserved a cake especially when the celebration was supposed to commemorate 50 decades of existence.

Many historians also give credit to the Germans for beginning the california suncakes custom of cakes on these special days. It was used to honor the day that Jesus had been born. This concept was also extended to kinderfests, per day exclusively to celebrate the arrival of a child.

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